1. Download.
Your first step will be to click on the 'Download' button below. This will
save PalTalk to your computer, select a location for the file and then click
Click Here to download Paltalk program.
Note: The file is only
2.08 Mbytes - Download in seconds on a high speed connection, less than 4
minutes on a 56K connection
2. Installation.
Once the download has completed, double click on the pal_install.exe icon
that will appear in the folder in which you saved the file, it will look
like a blue globe. This will start installation. It will install PalTalk to
your computer, and then after installation completes it will launch PalTalk
Register. Now just register yourself, and create your
username. Now to find the super bowl room. Just click on groups.
After logging in,
To find the superbowl room.
Click on "groups".
Double Click on "African American"
Double Click on "CH6...ETC"
Make Sure that "Show Adult Groups" box is checked.